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Website Support
& Management

No Contract. No Deposit, Cancel Anytime

Let us Grow your business online

Our website management & support is straight-forward with no hidden conditions or limitations.

We work on a one to one basis with you. We have made a conscious decision to work in this personalised way, to build lasting productive relationships with everyone we help. You will talk and message directly with the same people every time.

All website management & support plans include personal unlimited phone, whatsapp and email support.

Choose from 2 Plans

Both with One to One Support

How to Get Started

4 Simple Steps

Select Your Plan & Message Us

This is straight-forward,.

If you dont have an online store its our Website Plan its £80 a month.

Have an online Store, its our Store Plan its £180 a month. It’s that straight-forward.

Then complete the form at the bottom of this page or on our Contact page and one of the team will contact you to get your support set up started.

We will respond to you within 1 hour

Website Move & Set Up

We will move the site over to our servers. We will just require access to your existing hosting to downlaod site files and database.

If you prefer to host the website yourself, thats no problem we can still offer our full support & management. 

We will then take care of everything with regards to the set up. 

Let us do all the work!

Set Up will take 1 – 2 hours

Performance & SEO Analysis

We will check the site over to see its current performance level and SEO configuration, after which we can help to start improving set up and search rankings.

After analysis we can formulate a plan of action to help improve the site.

Also we will suggest content & structure updates that could help in this area.

The plan can then be implemented.

Analysis will take 24 hours

Your Support Plan is Live!

We will check the site over to see its current performance level and SEO configuration, after which we can help to start improving set up and search rankings.

After analysis we can formulate a plan of action to help improve the site.

Also we will suggest content & structure updates that could help in this area.

The plan can then be implemented.

Plan is active within 24 hours

Areas of Support Explained

Our plans are straight-forward but to give you a better understanding of each area we cover and what that means please see the brief descriptions below. Each Support & Management plan covers one website per plan but please speak to us if you would like to discuss a multiple site plan as we are open to offering something that works for you.

The amount of support provided within your plan is unlimited, whether that’s Technical Support, Site Recovery or Content Updates, for example, there are no limits to the amount of work you can request. Simple, comprehensive and very transparent with no hidden terms & conditions!

Website Hosting

We will host your website on our servers as well as managing the domain DNS and ensure that is configured correctly.
Included – All Plans

Technical Support

24/7 unlimited support to resolve all your website problems, errors and issues.
Included – All Plans

System & Plugin Updates

Regular weekly checking & updating as needed of the website core CMS system, its plugins and modules.
Included – All Plans


Security Updates

Applying security updates and patches to keep you site secure from hacking and malware as they become available.
Included – All Plans

24/7 Malware, Hack & DDoS Protection

Our server network provides 24/7 protection for your website against third party hacking and  malware installation. Our load monitoring system then protects you against Distribution Denial of Service attacks which could bring down your website.
Included – All Plans

Hourly Back Ups

Your entire website and any connected databases hosted by us are backed up every hour with the ability to then re-instate a back up from within the previous rolling 7 day period.
Included – All Plans

24/7 Uptime Monitoring

We track the performance of your website to ensure it is live and visible to your visitors. If we receive an alert that your site not available, we immediately will look into that and correct any issue to get it live again as soon as possible.
Included – All Plans

Website Recovery

If your website has a fatal error, we will get your website live and available to visitors within 30 minutes of being alerted to the issue. If we cannot quickly reinstate the existing version of the website, we will use the latest back up available.
Included – All Plans

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Your website content is stored on each of our 33 servers worldwide and served to your visitors from a server located closest to them. This improves your website performance and provides your visitors with a more seamless experience.
Included – All Plans

FREE SSL Certificate

Get a Comodo® SSL certificate on your website. Serving your site securely to your visitor’s giving them peace of mind and trust in your organisation and website. Your visitors will see the secure padlock icon in the website address bar. It also helps improve your Google search rankings.
Included – All Plans

Website Content Updates

We will carry out unlimited updates on the general content within your existing website pages based on the information and details you provide to us.
Included – All Plans


Website Structure Updates

We will carry out unlimited structural updates to your website which covers the creation of new general pages, page sections and menu content changes using the information and details you provide to us.
Included – All Plans

Website Graphics Creation

Unlimited Graphic Design work for exclusive use on your website. We will design and produce graphics based on the instructions and details you provide to us. All graphics are output in Jpeg, PNG, SVG or GIF format depending on the requirements.
Included – All Plans

Image Editing

Unlimited editing of images and pictures for use on your website. We will re-size and, or Photoshop images as needed based on the instructions and details you provide to us. We will also manage the uploading of these to your website.
Included- All Plans

Search Engine Optimizartion (SEO)

Ongoing optimization of your website including initial assessment. We will then optimize your site inline with Google recommendations to help improve search and page ranking. SEO is an ongoing process and must be maintained.
Included – All Plans

Store Management

Daily operational assistance with your online store. Which includes the management of content, orders, configuration, integrations and set up. We will help manage your general store operations allowing you to focus on sales and marketing.
Included – Store Plan Only

Product Management

The creation, editing, deleting and general management of your online store products and inventory. We will manage the daily supervision of all your products and edit based on the instructions and details you provide to us.
Included – Store Plan Only

eLearning Management

Daily operational support of your eLearning platform including content creation, editing and deletion based on your instructions provided. We also manage your user’s online course data and profiles editing and adjusting them as per your instruction.
Included – Store Plan Only

Event, Class & Course Management

Daily management of your events, classes and courses content, and full operational online assistance which includes creation, editing and deletion based on your instructions provided. We can also assist with the management of your users.
Included – Store Plan Only

Download Management

Creation, editing and daily operational assistance with your downloadable assets and products. We will manage all of your downloads to ensure they are up to date and available to your customers.
Included – Store Plan Only

Start Your Website Management

  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY

Website Plan

Any site without an online store


per month

Store Plan 

Any site with an online store


per month

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